

Current Server: PirateCraft

Current Ban

Current Mute

Previous Bans
ID Reason By On Length Unbanned By At
1 bye JavaInvader 19:39:06 23/03/17 Permanent JavaInvader 19:39:12 23/03/17
2 Thretening to go to the police over banned players IP addrsses being shown Survival 15:30:55 19/04/17 Permanent Survival 17:54:36 06/05/17
3 being told 4/5 times he cant have a gunpowder farm, WILL NOT LISTEN TO STAFF. Survival 18:54:49 01/06/17 2 weeks Chailey 21:56:27 01/06/17
4 Making a public post on how to glitch AFTER being warned about his attitude several times Chailey 21:56:28 01/06/17 Permanent Taulov 15:01:41 02/04/22

Previous Mutes
ID Reason By On Length Unmuted By At
1 30m JavaInvader 24/12/16 Permanent JavaInvader 24/12/16
2 I/C JavaInvader 24/12/16 30 minutes Survival 24/12/16
3 He Asked? Lucky_Vincentius 22/02/17 3 hours Survival 21/02/17
4 Disrespecting staff Chailey 23/02/17 1 hour Survival 23/02/17
5 Disrespecting staff Chailey 23/02/17 1 hour Survival 23/02/17
6 Inappropriate language, and ignoring rule 8. Chailey 11/04/17 1 day Survival 10/04/17
7 Talking out his ass about unbanning a player GodsDead 13/05/17 10 minutes Survival 13/05/17
8 Muted to calm down about his wanring for 4 sieges in 45m with salt and crew GodsDead 17/05/17 3 days Survival 14/05/17
9 Obnoxious, rude to staff, lieing in global chat Survival 27/05/17 5 days Survival 22/05/17

ID Reason By On
1 Creating false information saying all IP's are being leaked Survival 15:24:22 19/04/17
2 Harassment Chailey 18:05:08 14/05/17
3 Breaking rule 2. Will not listen to staff after multiple answers. https://piratemc.com/topic/allowednon-allowed-machines/#post-50430 Survival 13:04:55 31/05/17