

Current Server: PirateCraft

Current Ban

Current Mute

Previous Bans
ID Reason By On Length Unbanned By At
1 Dont kill 1 more deckie ever again CallieMav 21:24:45 23/12/19 1 day Survival 21:25:10 24/12/19
2 Staff impersonation Xeron 14:29:56 27/11/20 2 weeks Creative 14:30:00 11/12/20
3 Spamming Discord, Super Agressive to staff, Can not calm down and read. Survival 15:11:16 16/12/20 1 day Survival 15:25:49 17/12/20
4 Use of illegal signs in trap base Coldat 04:09:41 18/03/21 Permanent Coldat 05:02:45 18/03/21

Previous Mutes
ID Reason By On Length Unmuted By At
1 upon request you have been muted after spamming chat and using rude language. Bazurka 04/12/19 1 day Creative 03/12/19
2 spam through incorrect use of /me Last_Word 06/12/19 30 minutes Creative 06/12/19
3 staff disrespect LEGQ 12/02/20 10 minutes Survival 12/02/20
4 Please don't spam SpikyCactus_ 16/02/20 5 minutes Survival 16/02/20
5 spam Atalantaa 01/06/20 15 seconds Survival 01/06/20
6 spam Atalantaa 01/06/20 15 minutes Survival 01/06/20
7 stop joking about hacking. I warned you. Atalantaa 10/07/20 15 minutes Survival 10/07/20
8 Learning to bypass WaterPool 07/09/20 15 minutes Survival 07/09/20
9 Calm down Coldat 13/09/20 10 minutes Creative 13/09/20
10 Calm it. Last warning Atalantaa 13/09/20 10 minutes Creative 13/09/20
11 dont tell any staff to STFU again _Augustus_Caesar 17/09/20 10 minutes Survival 17/09/20
12 staff disrespect Torkey 09/10/20 1 hour Creative 09/10/20
13 i told you to stop Atalantaa 11/10/20 15 minutes Survival 11/10/20
14 listen to staff please, do not use that kind of language in chat Atalantaa 27/10/20 10 minutes Survival 27/10/20
15 stay out yes? thankya CrazyMoneyy 26/01/21 1 minute Survival 26/01/21
16 extreme toxicity, non pg behavior, harassing other players, you should know how to behave (group punishment) khaiethan 21/04/21 1 day Survival 20/04/21
17 spam khaiethan 09/05/21 10 minutes Survival 09/05/21
18 Harrassment/bullying players Atalantaa 09/07/21 1 week Survival 06/07/21
19 Racist comments. \n\nMessage caught: /cmi tpahere GCNiggz -cancel- Survival 09/07/21 1 day WaterPool 09/07/21
20 min Chill Now _Augustus_Caesar 08/11/21 5 seconds Survival 08/11/21
21 chill out _Augustus_Caesar 08/11/21 5 minutes Survival 08/11/21
22 R: Because I love you DeofiloW1 11/11/21 5 minutes Survival 11/11/21
23 big brain boi i told u to keep it pg DeimosWreck 17/01/22 10 minutes Survival 17/01/22
24 Trolling minorities Ae0n 24/03/22 1 week Survival 17/03/22
25 staff disrespect, said 'I love you bbg' to Ae0n then called her mommy when warned Ae0n 19/09/22 30 minutes Survival 19/09/22

ID Reason By On
1 Do not abuse /back CallieMav 15:57:04 19/11/19
2 lockered for spamming muted chat mutiple times Atalantaa 07:13:35 01/06/20
3 Racist comments. Survival 02:58:07 09/07/21