

Current Server: PirateCraft

Current Ban
Expires in:
Banned by: Taulov
Banned at: 10 May 2024 09:21:34 PM
Reason: Rude to staff, cursing at staff

Current Mute

Previous Bans
ID Reason By On Length Unbanned By At
1 Trolling, spamming Taulov 19:29:55 27/11/23 3 days Survival 19:30:02 30/11/23

Previous Mutes
ID Reason By On Length Unmuted By At
1 toxicity in chat, was warned prior Drbipper 07/04/23 15 minutes Console 07/04/23
2 dont mention other servers name Taulov 22/10/23 1 hour Survival 22/10/23
3 inappropriate language in chat keniABC 16/11/23 1 day Console 15/11/23
4 inappropriate language, repeatedly, despite warning Drbipper 24/11/23 2 hours Survival 24/11/23
5 Past Harrasment and current Harrasment to players (you may make a ticket in 2 days) MrLimeWise 03/12/23 1 week Survival 26/11/23
6 stop calling players names lazydog11 26/12/23 1 hour Console 26/12/23
7 serveral ticket found you violation of the server chat rules no respect for other players calling them names lazydog11 29/01/24 2 weeks Survival 15/01/24
8 asking racial questions, you were warned Drbipper 17/03/24 1 day Console 16/03/24
9 Poor attitude ingame aswell, sour about a punishment Taulov 10/05/24 1 hour Console 10/05/24

ID Reason By On
1 behave in chat or it'll be a perm mute. isn't the first time jpcello 15:44:03 26/12/23
2 Temp Blocked from Event for 24h Survival 17:16:45 05/05/24