

Current Server: PirateCraft

Current Ban

Current Mute

Previous Bans
ID Reason By On Length Unbanned By At
1 Abusing Chat and being rude Console 13:49:00 05/11/14 1 day Console 13:52:07 06/11/14
2 Advertising server, 3 warnings GodsDead 14:35:20 20/12/14 3 days Console 12:51:06 23/12/14
3 days time wasting Iamthereaper89 15:16:36 28/12/14 2 seconds Console 13:31:27 28/12/14
4 time wasting Iamthereaper89 15:18:08 28/12/14 2 days Console 15:20:35 30/12/14
5 Banned by an operator. Survival 20:09:27 30/12/14 Permanent lazydog11 08:19:54 01/05/19

Previous Mutes
ID Reason By On Length Unmuted By At
1 Rude to other players, breaking rule 1 Tempmute GodsDead 14/11/14 1 day Console 13/11/14
2 Markusi13 11/12/14 2 hours Console 11/12/14
3 stop being so immature Markusi13 14/12/14 1 hour Console 14/12/14
4 Racist comments. \n\nMessage caught: /summon nigger Survival 16/09/19 1 day Creative 15/09/19

ID Reason By On
1 Rude and arrogant GodsDead 17:52:34 20/11/14
2 Language Iamthereaper89 21:42:56 03/12/14
3 Advertising Markusi13 12:25:47 20/12/14
4 Racist comments. Survival 21:24:55 15/09/19