

Current Server: PirateCraft

Current Ban

Current Mute

Previous Bans
ID Reason By On Length Unbanned By At

Previous Mutes
ID Reason By On Length Unmuted By At
1 I said stop _Augustus_Caesar 02/09/19 16 minutes, 40 seconds Survival 02/09/19
2 Keep main chat in english Taulov 16/02/20 5 minutes Survival 16/02/20
3 spam Taulov 06/12/20 5 minutes Survival 06/12/20
4 don't bypass chat filter jpcello 05/12/23 30 minutes Console 05/12/23
5 r:Bypass jail mute DirectorAnivian 12/12/23 1 minute Survival 12/12/23
6 don't sing after you were told not to jpcello 15/12/23 40 minutes jpcello 15/12/23
7 innapropriate usage of gay WyzrdlyHippy 03/08/24 1 minute Survival 03/08/24
8 inappropriate usage of gay WyzrdlyHippy 04/08/24 5 minutes Console 04/08/24
9 inappropriate usage of gay WyzrdlyHippy 04/08/24 5 minutes Survival 04/08/24

ID Reason By On
1 Do not spawn kill players !! Bazurka 04:26:25 06/02/22
2 staff inpersonation in ally chat Taulov 11:47:34 04/06/24
3 Stone and cobblestone generators are not allowed on this server. Coldat 17:26:34 01/07/24