

Current Server: PirateCraft

Current Ban

Current Mute

Previous Bans
ID Reason By On Length Unbanned By At
1 time out to study! lazydog11 19:03:40 27/01/25 3 weeks, 3 days lazydog11 14:39:07 31/01/25
2 time out to study requested lazydog11 12:22:56 02/02/25 4 weeks lazydog11 19:01:45 02/02/25
3 time out to study requested lazydog11 20:21:25 02/02/25 4 weeks lazydog11 14:41:54 03/02/25
4 time to study requested lazydog11 19:44:10 04/02/25 4 weeks lazydog11 19:09:35 05/02/25

Previous Mutes
ID Reason By On Length Unmuted By At
1 bypassing, spam, language knows better Wyzzyrd 16/09/24 1 minute Survival 16/09/24
2 instigating after being warned Wyzzyrd 27/09/24 1 minute Survival 27/09/24
3 inappropriate language in chat keniABC 26/10/24 10 minutes Survival 26/10/24
4 inappropriate language Nick_A_Naut 30/10/24 2 hours Survival 30/10/24
5 player harassment, telling players kys, repeated offenses Drbipper 11/11/24 1 week Console 04/11/24
6 toxic behavior, cool down Taulov 30/11/24 1 hour Console 30/11/24
7 Swearing is not needed here Taulov 07/12/24 5 minutes Console 07/12/24
8 stop asking about event jpcello 08/12/24 1 hour Console 08/12/24
9 toxic behavior Taulov 10/01/25 5 minutes Survival 10/01/25
10 Toxic behavior even after a warning mute. You need to fix your behavior your toxic attitude is not needed here Taulov 11/01/25 1 day Console 10/01/25

ID Reason By On
1 Had a cobblestone genrator in their base Taulov 10:11:11 08/10/24
2 Temp Blocked from Event for 24h Survival 05:11:38 09/11/24
3 Lockered for: do not set home to atack a player Survival 14:45:59 26/01/25