

Current Server: PirateCraft

Current Ban

Current Mute
Expires in:
Muted by: Coldat
Muted at: 25 January 2025 04:08:36 AM
Reason: Bypassing chat, racist comments

Previous Bans
ID Reason By On Length Unbanned By At
1 next time you might respect staff a bit more and just take your first punsiment in peace PythonAce 07:22:57 08/08/18 1 day Survival 07:23:05 09/08/18
2 Rude to staff GodsDead 16:15:08 29/08/18 1 day Creative 16:13:17 30/08/18
3 Rude to staff GodsDead 16:15:08 29/08/18 1 day Survival 16:17:28 30/08/18
4 Racism EisenGraf 06:46:43 09/08/21 3 days Creative 06:46:50 12/08/21
5 pissing off staff, deliberately muting self with n word, bypassing mute with mail and signs Atalantaa 14:14:07 03/09/21 3 days Creative 14:14:17 06/09/21
6 Racist comments. \n\nMessage caught: Lil nigga Survival 13:20:28 10/12/24 4 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds Console 13:20:34 15/12/24

Previous Mutes
ID Reason By On Length Unmuted By At
1 Grow up Chailey 30/11/16 10 minutes Survival 30/11/16
2 inappropriate language Lawzoneon 31/07/18 2 hours Survival 31/07/18
3 i told you PythonAce 05/08/18 1 hour PvP 05/08/18
4 I gave you about 2-3 warnings already, you kept pushing it. Do not say n word, bipass chat filter, or talk about sexual content. Nahadoth 08/08/18 2 hours Survival 08/08/18
5 Rule 2 GodsDead 29/08/18 20 minutes Survival 29/08/18
6 stop lazydog11 18/01/20 2 hours Survival 18/01/20
7 Racist comments. \n\nMessage caught: ahhoyy mateyys thlere eseemshto *hic* bbea nigger on thl eebort bouoghh! *hic* Survival 09/08/21 1 day Play 08/08/21
8 Racist comments. \n\nMessage caught: say snigger without the s or two g's or r Survival 03/09/21 1 day Survival 03/09/21
9 Racist comments. \n\nMessage caught: /cmi mail send legq mute was mistake though, comment wasnt racist, said snigger Survival 03/09/21 1 day Survival 03/09/21
10 Racist comments. \n\nMessage caught: filter picked up non-racist word snigger as racist Survival 04/09/21 23 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds Creative 03/09/21
11 troll Ae0n 11/09/21 9 minutes, 59 seconds Survival 11/09/21
12 Inappropriate topic Nick_A_Naut 03/12/24 2 hours Console 03/12/24
13 Racist comments. \n\nMessage caught: Lil nigga Survival 10/01/25 4 weeks, 2 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds Survival 10/12/24

ID Reason By On
1 Racist comments. Survival 16:03:04 22/07/18
2 Change the attitude. Xeron 14:27:09 06/08/18
3 Racist comments. Survival 14:27:33 08/08/21
4 Racist comments. Survival 13:57:34 03/09/21
5 Racist comments. Survival 14:12:01 03/09/21
6 Racist comments. Survival 14:13:19 03/09/21
7 Lockered for: bounty gamming is not aloud Survival 15:17:46 01/10/23