

Current Server: PirateCraft

Current Ban

Current Mute
Expires in: Permanent
Muted by: MrLimeWise
Muted at: 26 January 2024 03:08:14 AM
Reason: Continous Mentions of other servers with multiple warnings and mutes for the same reason. U can appeal in 2 weeks.

Previous Bans
ID Reason By On Length Unbanned By At

Previous Mutes
ID Reason By On Length Unmuted By At
1 dont spam MrLimeWise 01/07/23 15 minutes Survival 01/07/23
2 don't spam jpcello 02/09/23 30 minutes Survival 02/09/23
3 don't mention other servers jpcello 06/10/23 1 day jpcello 06/10/23
4 stop talking in muted chat jpcello 09/10/23 3 days Console 06/10/23
5 don't spam jpcello 14/10/23 30 minutes Console 14/10/23
6 spam MrLimeWise 31/10/23 5 minutes Survival 31/10/23
7 don't mention other servers jpcello 01/11/23 1 hour Survival 01/11/23
8 spamming Taulov 04/11/23 5 minutes Survival 04/11/23
9 Spam againg MrLimeWise 05/11/23 10 minutes Console 05/11/23
10 keep chat pg lazydog11 18/11/23 1 hour Survival 18/11/23

ID Reason By On