

Current Server: PirateCraft

Current Ban

Current Mute

Previous Bans
ID Reason By On Length Unbanned By At
1 Chargeback Opened, Talk to GodsDead ASAP. Survival 18:28:05 22/06/20 Permanent Survival 18:32:48 22/06/20
2 Advertising Xeron 19:40:05 26/08/20 Permanent Xeron 13:48:29 28/08/20
3 Revised punishment Xeron 13:49:12 28/08/20 3 days Creative 13:49:33 31/08/20
4 racist bypass and unneeded hostility DadBrando 03:29:36 27/11/21 3 days Survival 03:41:39 30/11/21
5 none PG behavior jpcello 07:46:21 07/11/23 25 weeks, 6 days, 23 hours Taulov 15:39:50 07/11/23
6 Inapproiate behavior in chat Taulov 15:39:52 07/11/23 Permanent Markusi13 16:01:26 22/02/24

Previous Mutes
ID Reason By On Length Unmuted By At
1 Shut it WaterPool 19/11/20 15 minutes Creative 19/11/20
2 You know better than that. CreatingWithKass 17/11/21 1 hour Survival 17/11/21
3 Stop it, seriously CreatingWithKass 04/12/21 1 hour Creative 04/12/21
4 bruh DeofiloW1 03/02/22 1 second Survival 03/02/22
5 english in main chat TobySF 25/04/22 5 minutes Survival 25/04/22
6 pg in chat TobySF 25/04/22 30 minutes Survival 25/04/22
7 Reasons Wyzzyrd 29/01/23 5 seconds Console 29/01/23
8 inappropriate or sexual chat keniABC 08/11/23 1 day Console 07/11/23
9 Inappropriate language. Nick_A_Naut 04/12/24 8 hours Survival 04/12/24

ID Reason By On
1 Do not use a /sethome to attack people, dont place them outside of an enemys base. Bazurka 01:04:34 12/04/20
2 Do not advertise other servers ! That includes ingame /mail ! Bazurka 05:21:15 03/08/20
3 no coppy a base from other players to single world to explore lazydog11 12:44:11 13/08/20
4 do not grapple players into a pvp zone lazydog11 19:31:44 13/10/20
5 Racism, message caught 'peace n*****s' Ae0n 06:12:38 26/02/22
6 Dont use Donate hand signs in Traps _Augustus_Caesar 22:39:08 18/11/24