

Current Server: PirateCraft

Current Ban

Current Mute

Previous Bans
ID Reason By On Length Unbanned By At
1 Has bad ping and spams the chat by trying to join, try again later as not to spam chat too much Taulov 17:58:44 17/01/24 30 minutes Survival 18:28:49 17/01/24
2 Renting shops on test server to steal recipes Drbipper 20:35:35 11/01/25 3 days Console 20:35:47 14/01/25

Previous Mutes
ID Reason By On Length Unmuted By At
1 advertising Taulov 02/10/23 1 hour Console 02/10/23
2 calling aluminum dumb ***** Fygal 26/11/23 5 minutes Survival 26/11/23
3 don't bypass filter, told you several times jpcello 11/12/23 1 hour Survival 11/12/23
4 don't spam jpcello 14/12/23 1 hour Console 14/12/23
5 don't spam join when internet is not working. you were told often enough not to jpcello 16/12/23 1 hour Survival 16/12/23
6 dont mention other server names lazydog11 20/12/23 1 day Console 19/12/23
7 don't spam join. wait for your internet to get better first jpcello 05/01/24 30 minutes Console 05/01/24
8 inappropriate conduct in chat keniABC 21/01/24 10 minutes Survival 21/01/24
9 Tries to sell ingame items for real life money Taulov 28/01/24 1 day Survival 27/01/24
10 don't spam jpcello 09/02/24 1 hour Survival 09/02/24
11 Inapproiate jokes Taulov 11/02/24 1 hour Console 11/02/24
12 don't mention other servers. you know better jpcello 27/05/24 2 days lazydog11 26/05/24
13 Joking about duppers Taulov 12/06/24 15 seconds Survival 12/06/24
14 Joking about duppers Taulov 12/06/24 15 minutes Survival 12/06/24
15 'kys' in main chat Wyzzyrd 23/07/24 5 minutes Console 23/07/24
16 innapropriate usage of gay Wyzzyrd 31/07/24 1 minute Survival 31/07/24
17 pushing chat, prior offenses, you know better Drbipper 31/07/24 30 minutes Survival 31/07/24
18 Lieing to staff, trying to setup staff against each other, by claiming one staff ordered another to get his items back Taulov 14/08/24 1 week Survival 07/08/24
19 perpetuating hateful speeche and materials including ss, continued after precious warnings of staff lazydog11 28/08/24 1 week Survival 21/08/24
20 do not joke about hacking Taulov 02/09/24 16 minutes Survival 02/09/24
21 bypassing language filter 'bhanchod' Wyzzyrd 16/09/24 5 minutes Survival 16/09/24
22 useing creative to bypass locker mute Taulov 02/12/24 1 day Console 01/12/24

ID Reason By On
1 Setting up scam signs at /warp shop Taulov 20:26:31 03/02/24
2 Lockered for: for naming his sword slave killer again Survival 14:35:44 06/03/24
3 Lockered for: Block Glitching to combat tag Survival 18:35:06 04/04/24
4 Rents shop just to sell them Taulov 14:47:44 21/05/24
5 Lockered for: glitching Survival 15:40:17 29/07/24
6 Setting up signs in shop with no prizes, Scamming with shop signs. Last warning. Breaking more shop rules will result i getting permissions to have shops removed Taulov 12:40:33 06/08/24
7 Lockered for: continuing to talk in muted chat after warning to not talk in muted chat Survival 14:21:35 08/08/24
8 Lockered for: Block glitching to gain acces to chests Survival 11:27:39 01/12/24